Sunday 21 April 2013

Achieving Optimal Nutrition Through "Juicing"

One of the most wholesome and natural ways to lose weight and improve your general health is drinking natural juice on a daily basis. Should you be looking to lower your blood pressure and blood glucose levels, or boost your everyday energy, "juicing" will be your lifelong partner in achieving your goals.
Step one is to purchase a good quality juicer that will handle the fruits and vegetables that you introduce gently. You want what is referred to in the industry as a "masticating juicer". This is a machine that will not mangle your fruits and vegetables. You need a machine that runs at a slower speed so that the product produced is not degraded. Juices produced this way can be stored for longer periods of time because their natural enzymes and vitamins have not been destroyed by excessive heat.
Key facts about all-natural juice:
Free radicals in your blood stream will cause premature aging and premature cellular death. All-natural juice is a proven source of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants.By adding this to your diet daily you will replace antioxidants and reduce the free radicals in your body.
Many people looking for a quick boost of energy will reach for a candy bar, or a bag of potato chips. Fresh squeezed juice will give you that same energy boost and also provide natural sugar to your digestive system which in turn provides you with the sufficient amount of calories.
Doing a cleanse every year is a popular activity that many think is beneficial. Unfortunately, a cleanse is short term and actually robs your body of it's necessary nutrients. By incorporating a well balanced diet which includes lean meat, fruits, vegetables, and of course, all natural juice daily.
Fresh juice will give your taste buds amazing flavors and leave you craving more. The trap that many fall into when trying to diet is that they become bored and craving the wrong foods. There are dozens of juicing cook books our there which will give you a never ending flavor extravaganza.
Do not ever think that you are limited to "fruits and vegetables". There are many recipes that call for other ingredients such as celery, spinach, carrots, oranges, mangoes, peach, and lemons. Apples, grapefruit, grapes, and tomato are all commonly used. You can get adventurous with your recipes once your digestive system becomes accustomed to the enzyme, vitamin and mineral smorgasbord.
There is a very large "juicing" community around the world all looking for ways to make "juicing" a fun and easy way to maintain good health. You will never get bored when all-natural juices are part of your daily routine..
As you can see, this is a fun and nutritious way of losing weight and achieving great health. It is something that you can incorporate into your every day life, and continue to do for the rest of your life.
Rick Chandler is a writer who specializes in health and nutrition related activities. You can check out his latest web site at ultimate Juicer where he provides unbiased reviews and buying advice for a range of commercial juicers including the The Best Masticating Juicer and much more.

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